Indigenous Women Livelihood and Economic Empowerment

Indigenous women have been largely excluded in economic opportunities due to societal norms, existence of non-gender responsive policies, limited access to information and financial opportunities, limited access to market linkages, patriarchal cultures that undermines their roles in communities and poor infrastructure limiting access to essential services. 

SWT indigenous Women Economic empowerment bureau focuses on strengthening connections, building cooperation, and fostering learning among indigenous women.

The goal is to empower indigenous women economically by expanding projects that enhance their socio-economic well-being. These projects target local women and girls who have survived harmful cultural practices, as well as vulnerable individuals and groups affected by climate change. Through these initiatives, SWT aims to provide humanitarian aid during crises, develop alternative sources of livelihoods, and build resilience to climate-related challenges.

SWT facilitates partnerships and collaborative efforts between government and non-government entities to address the economic vulnerabilities of indigenous women. This includes raising awareness and advocating for the effective implementation of Kenya’s constitution, particularly regarding women’s rights to land ownership. They also work to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, which often undermine stability and resilience in indigenous communities.


Additionally, SWT mobilizes resources to provide start-up funding for women and youth groups to engage in various economic activities such as table banking, goat rearing, chicken rearing and value addition on bead making. SWT also collaborates with partners to offer small grants to community-based women’s groups, supporting sustainable income-generating activities and initiatives aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of climate change.


Our Approach

Skills Building & Value Addition In Beadwork

These value addition skills enable indigenous women to prosper as they engage in quality production of traditional and modern beaded items for the local and international markets.

Alternative Income Generating Activities

Through promoting small &Medium enterprises, strengthening Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA), encourage Kitchen gardens, table banking and basket weaving as alternative income generating activities.

Organising Trainings

SWT organises trainings, exchange visits to enhance linkages for Knowledge management and learning, encourage Self-Help groups to form Umbrella groups or CBOs, and promote formation of women centered Cooperatives and Associations to strengthen networking, synergy building and promoting linkages and learning among indigenous women.

Hey, get in touch!

We are open for new partners.

+254 755 555 211