Samburu Women Trust is proud to have been be part of the CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation two-day meeting held in Johannesburg from 29-30 September 2022 for Indigenous Peoples (IPs), civic actors, human rights defenders, and civil society representatives.
This global convening had participants at this meeting from Africa, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia to share their perspectives, learn from each other, and explore opportunities to enhance Indigenous Peoples issues in the world.
The following are the objectives of this meeting:
- To contribute to the identification of best practice and the development of further recommendations to support IPs in realizing their rights.
- Provide a platform for activists to share their experiences and find durable solutions to the shrinking of civic space and the violation of IPs rights.
- Develop a strategy for promoting IPs rights across board and facilitate establishment of the support network for IPs.
- Strengthen the position of IPs as frontline agents to participate in designing, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of governance actions including land rights, climate change response action and environmental justice.
- Facilitate better collaboration between IPs and relevant actors in their respective communities in main critical issues of concern.
The meeting was organised to provide the space for engagement with relevant stakeholders and facilitate learning and sharing.
Some of the sessions focused on ways to strengthen the resilience of IPs through rapid response mechanisms and how civil society responds to civic space and relevant rights and freedoms of IPs.